Nombres de etiquetas básicas

Lengua, Matemática, Francés, Naturales, Ciudadanía, Arte, TICX, History, EM, ELT, Writing, Literature, Drama, Geografía, Historia, 1ºsec, 2016, Biología, Físico-química, 2°sec, 2017, 2018, 3°sec

martes, 31 de mayo de 2016

My own story: "The girl of the blue hat"

The girl of the blue hat

Paloma was in her room writing in her online diary. She was 13 years old; she had brown hair and brown eyes. The girl liver with her parents in a house, and on the upper floor, lived his uncle, Alejandro and his girlfriend Paula.
Paloma saw from her window, a girl with an old, strange, big and dark blue hat. The woman was reading a book. Suddenly, a car stopped. A man and a woman came out of it. They obliged the girl to go inside the car. The man threw the book and drove very fast far away. Paloma went out to take the book that was in the bin. In the front cover a name was written, Lilia Isabel Petrone. Who is she? Where can I find her? Were some of the questions Paloma asked herself. The next morning, she went to his uncle’s house. Paloma, Paula and Alejandro were having breakfast. Paloma told the entire situation to them. They were surprised. Paloma, Alejandro and Paula searched for information for hours, days, weeks and they found she had a sister. They immediately contacted her and the three went to her house. Paula, Paloma and Alejandro were received by Emily, Lilia’s sister.  She was 18 years old. Emily had blond hair, blue eyes and a beautiful smile. She lived in Lilia Isabel Petrone’s house, an old house with old furniture. They sat down in brown armchairs.
-“One month ago, I saw a woman reading this book…”- Paloma said
-“I was that woman”- Emily explained- “the two persons that took me into the car were Marta and Pablo, Lilia’s doctors. I went with them because I had no one to talk to about my sister. They started giving me a kind of poison that made me lose my mind. I could escape two weeks ago. Lilia died last year so I was very depressed about it. This was her favorite book. If you want you can keep it and every week I can tell you about Lilia and you can tell me about you Palo.”
-“Thanks, I will”
The end

What happens next?

We had to make a story with the beginning that Julia, our writing teacher, told us. This is my story:

The thief
I went into a large store in London. I saw a young man in a blue t-shirt running down the escalator. He had a big bag in his hands. The other shoppers were jumping out of his way. He ran past me and out of the store. Then I saw another man. He was running too! He was wearing a special suit and was older than the other man. He looked left and right and then started to run again. The old man was the kings of Egypt butler and he was buying jewellery for the king’s wife and his daughter. The young man was a very famous thief: Bruce vam Water. He robbed a bank, a factory, an airport, a shopping mall and many things. The king called the police and immediately they were running behind the thief. They ran many blocks and finally Bruce escaped. The police searched for days and the found vam Water in Egypt! The king travelled to his kingdom to be with his family. When he entered his place he saw Bruce vam Water!
-“I didn’t like to be a thief”- he said- “my brother obliged me. If no, he would tell my friends that I fell in love with a girl of my school”.

In the end, the king’s wife and his daughter had the jewellery that they wanted and Bruce vam Water married Lucy, the girl he’d loved since secondary school.

Fossil fuels

Our theacher of EM told us to take 6 screenshots of two videos we saw and explain what was happening with our own words.


In groups we investigated about national parks, natural reserves and eco tourism in different continents. I made it with Abril, Luka and Lautaro and we studied about Africa.

Paleolítico y Neolítico

En grupos creamos un cuadro comparando al Paleolítico y al Neolítico. Yo lo hice con Aylén, Violeta y Joaquín.

viernes, 20 de mayo de 2016

Liliana Bodoc: "mentir para decir la verdad"

En clase vimos la charla TED que dio Liliana Bodoc sobre la mentira, la verdad, la poesía y la palabra. Esto es algo de lo que dijo en su charla:
Palabra: la palabra es directa y tiene más poder.
Poesía: la poesía la utilizamos para decir algo sin decirlo directamente.
Verdad: a veces utilizamos la mentira para decir una verdad.
Mentira: la utilizamos para hablar sobre ficción.
Una verdad puede ser...
"El otro día fui a la casa de mi amiga. Jugamos y escuchamos música. Más tarde, me llevaron a mi casa."
Una mentira puede ser...
"El otro día fui al castillo de mi amiga. Destrozamos todo y no nos retaron. Más tarde me llevaron a mi mansión en una alfombra mágica."

viernes, 13 de mayo de 2016


En el día de la fecha 13/5/16 aprendimos nuevas ecuaciones, entre ellas ecuaciones aplicando la propiedad distributiva.

martes, 10 de mayo de 2016

"The adventure of the dying detective": a project with New Jersey

We read a story about Sherlok Holmes and we had to act it to show it to another school in New Jersey. I made it with Azul as Mrs. Hudson, Joaquín as Watson and Octavio as Sherlok Holmes. I was Watson like Joaquín. We made act 1 and 5. 

lunes, 9 de mayo de 2016

Chernobyl disaster

We studied about the Chernobyl accident and we made an infography in groups. I made it with Abril.

Era paleolítica

Hicimos un texto explicando todo lo que vimos hasta ahora sobre la era paleolítica utilizando algunos conceptos dados por la profesora.

Los seres humanos evolucionamos a través de los años. Todo esto ocurrió en la etapa ágrafa, es decir, que aún no había escritura.  Algunos de los primates que estuvieron antes que nosotros fueron el australopitecus, el homo habilis, el homo erectus, el hombre de neandertal  y el homo sapiens. Todos eran nómades y pasaron por el proceso de hominización. Esto consistía en desarrollar algunas habilidades como el bipedismo, el pulgar oponible y mayor capacidad craneal y cerebral. Hay muchas teorías como la teoría de la evolución: consistía, la teoría del simio acuático: los hombres tuvieron que adaptarse a vivir en el mar y vivieron un tiempo allí, por eso creen que son sirenas.
Cada uno de estos primates tenía una forma distinta de vivir. Por ejemplo, el homo habilis comenzó a crear herramientas de piedra para defenderse, el homo erectus comenzó a dominar el fuego, el homo sapiens crearon el arte rupestre (pintaban en cuevas), etc. pero todos eran similares en algún punto. Vivian en grupos (salvo el australopitecus) llamados hordas, clanes o tribus; todos eran animistas, quiere decir que su religión era la naturaleza, tenían un líder que era el más sabio o el más fuerte, había igualdad en el grupo: no había alguien superior a otro y se dividían las tareas para poder sobrevivir. Además, utilizaban la economía depredadora: debían cazar, pescar o recolectar para poder alimentarse y sobrevivir.

Hoy en día, gracias a la arqueología, podemos saber cómo eran estos primates y como vivían.