Nombres de etiquetas básicas

Lengua, Matemática, Francés, Naturales, Ciudadanía, Arte, TICX, History, EM, ELT, Writing, Literature, Drama, Geografía, Historia, 1ºsec, 2016, Biología, Físico-química, 2°sec, 2017, 2018, 3°sec

miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

"A View form the Bridge": analysing Eddie Carbone

In class, we read the play "A View from the Bridge" by Arthur Miller. After we analysed it, in groups, we had to make an infographic with the analysis of one of the characters. I did it with Aylén and Celeste and we did it about Eddie Carbone


miércoles, 16 de octubre de 2019

Revision: "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury

For the Literature IGCSE exam, we started revising the different stories. In groups, we had to make a presentation with the analysis of one of the stories. I made it with Pilar, Mora, Octavio, Juan Pablo and Bruno and we made the presentation about "There Will Come Soft Rains" by Ray Bradbury.

"Stormcock in Elder" by Ruth Pitter

In class, we read different poems. After we analyzed them, in groups, we had to make a presentation with the analysis of one of the poems we read. I did it with Aylén, Gastón, Violeta, Tomás, Félix and Marco and we did the presentation about "Stormcock in Elder" by Ruth Pitter.

martes, 3 de septiembre de 2019

Conociéndonos un poco más: el sistema circulatorio

En clase, estudiamos el sistema circulatorio. Con la ayuda de imágenes, comparamos los distintos corazones que existen dentro del reino animal. Creamos un cuadro comparándolos con fotos y las características de cada uno. Por último, buscamos una imagen y un video que explique el corazón humano y el ciclo cardíaco. Yo lo hice con Mora y Joaquín.

Haga click aquí para ver el cuadro completo

Tipos de corazones dentro del reino animal

Corazón de anélidos

Corazón de peces

Corazón de insectos

Corazón humano

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2019

El Big Data y su influencia en las elecciones

En NTICx, estuvimos investigando sobre el Big Data. Una vez que estábamos informados, leímos un artículo sobre Qué es (y qué no es) el Big Data electoral. Luego, tuvimos que escribir un texto sobre estos dos temas en conjunto.

Big Data, ¿más que un conjunto de datos?

El Big Data, también conocido como macrodatos, hace referencia al conjunto de datos de mayor tamaño y más complejos. Estos ayudan, principalmente a las empresas, a obtener información sobre las necesidades de los clientes para darles lo que desean, además de analizar y evaluar la producción, la opinión de los clientes, los comentarios y otros factores para reducir las situaciones de falta de stock y anticipar la futura demanda, mejorar sus decisiones financieras y detectar fraude. El Big Data tiene requisitos de seguridad, como la verificación en dos pasos o los distintos permisos que se piden a la hora de proporcionar información, para poder reducir la falta de conocimiento sobre lo que se hace con el contenido personal que se provee. 
Pero, ¿qué importancia tiene el Big Data para una campaña electoral? Algo tan sencillo como conocer las necesidades que los ciudadanos para conseguir su voto. Gracias a las redes sociales, es más fácil conocer la opinion de un candidato, ya sea en forma de texto, imagen, video o un audio. Para un candidato, es muy importante intentar acceder a este conjunto de datos para poder generar una campaña electoral atractiva tanto para los votantes que están decididos como para los que aún están en duda o se muestran disconformes con algún tema en particular. Para un votante, es más sencillo acceder tanto a las opiniones positivas como negativas de los distintos candidatos que se postulan. 
En mi opinión, es una herramienta muy beneficiosa para los candidatos, aunque creo que para los votantes no tanto. Es verdad que se pueden conocer las dos caras de cada una de las campañas electorales y sus candidados, pero creo que estos solo pueden utilizar esta infromación para obtener más votos, y luego no cumplir sus promesas. Desde mi punto de vista, la utilización del Big Data y las redes sociales puede ser perjudicial tanto para los votantes como para los candidatos, ya que los primeros pueden obtener información errónea que pretende cumplir con sus necesidades (y luego no se realicen); y para los segundos, puede generar que un solo comentario, video o imagen en internet se haga viral y logre que los votantes decidan otorgarle su voto a otro candidato por algún comentario en internet. 

sábado, 20 de julio de 2019

"The Poplar-Field" by William Cowper

In Literature, we read the poem "The Poplar-Field" by William Cowper. After we analyzed it, in pairs, we had to make a presentation with the analysis. I did it with Aylén

I'm having problems to upload my presentation, so here you can see it.

martes, 16 de julio de 2019

World climates

In Environmental Management, we studied about the different climates in the world. After we analyzed them, we had to make a chart with all of them.

lunes, 15 de julio de 2019

Water-rich and water-poor countries

In Environmental Management, we watched two videos about water-rich and water-poor countries. After analyzing them, we had to make a conclusion about them.

Both videos help people become aware of the importance of water. 
In the first video, we can see a representation of how people live in water-rich and water-poor countries. The boy, who lives in a water-rich country, collects water from the tap, while the girl, who lives in a water-poor country, collects it from a polluted river. In the end, the boy gives the little girl his bottle of tap water. This could represent that water-rich countries could help water-poor countries, and everyone should take care of the water we have available. 
In the second video, we see a girl in a water-poor country who has to travel 4 miles to collect water, which is not clean enough for human consumption. During the trip, she mentions the different advantages people living in water-rich countries have, for example, opening the tap and having clean water or using water for a pool. In my opinion, this video has a strong impact, as we see how people need to travel to achieve water, even though it's not clean enough.
I believe everyone should take care of clean water. We are polluting it every day with rubbish and chemicals, and clean water availability is decreasing. 

lunes, 1 de julio de 2019

On partage une belle chanson française

En groupe, nous devions trouver les paroles d'une chanson française que nous aimerions pouvoir chanter plus tard. Je l'ai fait avec Aylén, Pilar et Julia et nous avons choisi les "Partons Vite" de Kaolin.

On partage une belle chanson française

La, la, la...

Allez danse, danse, vient dans mes bras,
Allez tourne, tourne, reste avec moi,
Allez Partons vite si tu veux bien, dès le jour,
Le soleil brille très haut tu sais,
Mais j'aime ça, je t'attendrais
Alors Partons vite si tu veux bien, Sans retour...

Rit plus fort et parle-moi
De nos projets, nos rêves tout ça
Donne-moi la main, embrasse-moi, mon amour
Le temps comme ami, moi je veux bien
Mais les amis ça va, ça vient,
Alors Partons vite brûler le jour et la nuit

évidemment, tu l'aimes encore,
Je le vois bien tu sais, et puis alors?
Mais pour l'instant ferme tes yeux, passe ta main dans mes cheveux.

Je veux entendre, ton coeur qui bat, tu sais, je crois qu'il chante pour moi
Mais en douceur comme ça tout bas, comme un sourd
Mon coeur lui s'emballe, il vole haut, peut être un peut trop haut pour moi
Mais je m'en fou, je suis vivant pour de bon

Allez danse, danse, regarde-moi
Allez tourne, tourne, ne t'arrête pas
Allez Partons vite, si tu veux bien, dès le jour
le soleil brille, profitons-en
Je t'attendrai, je t'aime tant
Alors vas-t'en vite si tu veux bien, sans retour

évidemment, tu l'aimes encore,
Ça crève les yeux mon dieu, Tu l'aimes encore
Mais pour l'instant ferme tes yeux, passe ta main dans mes cheveux

Allez danse mon amour! Allez danse!
Faisons de nos enfants des droits!
Fait tourner le monde mon amour, fait tourner le monde

Allez danse, danse, retourne-toi
Allez tourne, tourne, ne t'arrête pas
Allez Partons vite, si tu veux bien, dès le jour
J'ai manqué d'air je m'en souviens,
Toutes ses années sans toi sans rien
Même mes chansons se baladaient le cur lourd

évidemment, tu l'aimes encore,
Ça crève les yeux mon dieu, ça crève les yeux mon dieu
Mon dieu… (sin letra)

Ce qui s'est passé en France ces dernières années?

 Dans les groupes, nous devions chercher des nouvelles d'un événement survenu en France ces dernières années. Je l'ai fait avec Aylén, Pilar et Julia et nous avons enquêté sur le 130 anniversaire de la tour Eiffel.

Ce qui s'est passé en France ces dernières

130 anniversaire de La Tour Eiffel

Construit par l'architecte Gustave Eiffel et ouvert au public le 15 mai 1889, il symbolise la "puissance industrielle" de la France au 19ème siècle. D'une hauteur de 324 mètres, d'une masse de 7 300 tonnes et de 7 millions de visites par an, la Tour Eiffel, qui a fêté ses 130 ans cette année, semble éternelle. Ce qui est célébré dans le monde entier et qui appartient à la ville de Paris n’a pas toujours été aimé: sa construction s’est accompagnée d’une "grande controverse, de plaintes et de demandes" de la part de l’opposition, a rappelé l’assistant chargé de la culture au Mairie de Paris, Christophe Girard. Cependant, pour célébrer son ouverture au public le 15 mai 1889, l'Hôtel de Ville a invité, le mercredi 15 mai, 1 300 enfants à découvrir le monument et à écrire une carte postale dans le cadre du festival "Paris Written". Après un concert gratuit de Jeanne Ajouté à 20h30, la maire du PS, Anne Hidalgo, a commencé un spectacle de lumière à 22h00, diffusé toutes les heures jusqu'à mercredi, jeudi et vendredi, à minuit.


Um jeu pour fêter

Pour célébrer le 130e anniversaire du Tour, un "jeu d'aventure" intitulé "Le dossier secret de la tour Eiffel" a été lancé. Il est proposé aux visiteurs jusqu'à la fin de l'année.
Jeu d'évasion de la Tour Eiffel (François Grunberg / Ville de Paris)
Depuis le week-end d'anniversaire des 30 et 31 mars 2019, un «jeu d'aventure» est proposé aux visiteurs sous la forme d'un parcours scénarisé *, à la fois chasse au trésor et théâtre immersif.
Tout au long de ce voyage au cœur de la Dame de fer, des humoristes en costume d'époque évoquent la vie Touren 1889 et encouragent la visite du monument. C'est à vous de découvrir les indices grâce aux représentations qu'ils vont présenter.
* Le cours est proposé par la compagnie théâtrale du spectacle musical "La Tour de 300 métros", présenté au Théâtre des Mathurins du 21 mars au 29 juin 2019. Le travail couvre l'histoire de la construction de la Tour Eiffel à travers des personnages. Historique et fiction.

domingo, 30 de junio de 2019

The Korean War

In History, we are studying the Cold War. In groups, we had to make a presentation about the different wars we studied. I made it with Gastón, Ezequiel and Félix and we had to talk about the Korean War.

lunes, 24 de junio de 2019

"The Moving Finger" by Edith Wharton

In Literature, we read "The Moving Finger" by Edith Wharton. After we analysed the story, we had to make a literary essay explaining how love, obsession and control are explored.

Literary essay on "The Moving Finger"

“The Moving Finger” by Edith Wharton, is a story that deals with the difficulties of losing a person you love. Love, obsession and control are explored through the different reactions and feelings Mr Grancy and Claydon have for Mrs Grancy and her portrait and how they compete for the painting.

To begin with, Mr Grancy develops, at a certain point, a toxic relationship with Mrs Grancy. It is said that, after a failed marriage which had a bad influence on him, the second Mrs Grancy helps him to recover. After they marry, Mr Grancy asks Claydon to paint a portrait of his wife, who represents the woman Mr Grancy sees. When Mrs Grancy dies, three years after the portrait is painted, her husband is devastated, a consequence of most happy marriages. However, Mr Grancy tells the narrator that he used to tell her as a joke “...‘You're my prisoner now…’” referring that as he had a portrait of Mrs Grancy, if she left her husband, she would remain with him because he had the painting. This makes the reader think that he is in control of his wife’s freedom. The portrait is a representation or symbol of imprisonment, as, even though Mrs Grancy is dead, Mr Grancy has total control of the painting and, as a consequence, of her. Moreover, while Ralph Grancy is in Constantinople, he starts to imagine Mrs Grancy is with him everywhere he goes, which shows an obsession with his dead wife. She seems real to him, and once he returns to his house in the USA and enters the library, he’s excited to “meet” his wife again, as it was the place where the portrait was. He also controls her painting by calling Claydon to change it so that the Mrs Grancy in the portrait looks the way Mr Grancy thought she would look like when she grew old with him, which is what they had promised each other before she died. Once he returned to the USA five years after being in Europe, he’s disappointed to see the Mrs Grancy in the painting has not grown old like him, which makes him see her as if she was a stranger. In this way, Ralph believes his wife is alive. If Claydon had not changed the portrait, Mr Grancy would have been forced to accept Mrs Grancy was dead. “It’s the picture that stands between us; the picture that is dead, and not my wife.” Ralph refuses to endure the idea of Mrs Grancy being dead, so he wants the artist to make her painting look older. Even though Mr Grancy loves his wife, he is obsessed with her and, as a consequence, he tries to control her life, before and after her death.

On the other hand, it can be interpreted that Claydon has feelings for Mrs Grancy. First, Mr Grancy tells the narrator that Claydon painted Mrs Grancy the way her husband saw her, which is not the Mrs Grancy people who knew her saw. This gives the reader the impression that Claydon loved the woman and she loved the artist, as she could have revealed her love for him in the painting since it is Mrs Grancy’s look that calls Mr Grancy’s attention. In the portrait, the woman has a look that conveys love and passion, and she was looking at the artist, who was painting her. Furthermore, Claydon has an obsession with the woman, as, after her death, he wants to be in control of Mrs Grancy’s portrait. The reader could interpret that even though the artist loved the woman, he wants the painting as it is his masterpiece, and Claydon compares his situation to Pygmalion, a sculptor in Greek mythology, who gave life to a sculpture of a beautiful woman and fell in love with her. In this story, Claydon turns his real woman into a picture. This could be represented in the following quotation: “... it was the woman he had loved and not the picture...” The artist fell in love with the picture of Mrs Grancy, and he is disappointed when Ralph asks him to make her older as she was “so divinely, unchangeably young!”. Claydon thinks Mr Grancy does not love her wife enough as no men would ask his wife to sacrifice her youth and beauty. The reader could interpret that even though Claydon wants the portrait as it is his masterpiece, he loves Mrs Grancy and this is why he changes the painting the way he painted it for the first time, to make her the way she was, unchangeably young. Moreover, once Mr Grancy dies and the portrait is inherited by Claydon, he makes a final change to the painting, leaving it like the original one. This could represent Claydon’s wish to preserve the portrait with the Mrs Grancy he knew and fell deeply in love with before she died. It is also mentioned that when the narrator goes to Claydon’s studio, everything was placed in such a way that the most important thing in it was Mrs Grancy’s portrait, Claydon’s masterpiece.

Finally, as both Mr Grancy and Claydon are obsessed with Mrs Grancy, and after her death, with her portrait, there is an indirect fight or a subtle rivalry between them about Mrs Grancy’s painting. To begin with, once Mr Grancy returns to the USA and sees that the woman in the portrait is not as old as him, Ralph asks Claydon to change it, even though Mr Grancy knows it will destroy the artist. Possibly as an act of revenge, ten years later when Mr Grancy was not in excellent health conditions and asks Claydon to change the portrait again, the artist paints the face of the woman in a way in which she seems to “know” that her husband is dying. Consequently, as Mr Grancy believes everything the portrait communicates him, his health decays, turning Mrs Grancy into his death-warrant. It also needs to be considered the fact that Claydon does this job immediately, even though it is said he had a lot of work to do; and that the time he did the first change to the painting, he thought about it a whole day before starting working. An interpretation for Claydon accepting to change the painting though he is occupied could be that he wants to make Ralph believe they are still friends. However, the artist could have had the intention of finally inheriting Mrs Grancy’s portrait once her husband died; which is what happens almost at the end of the story. When the narrator goes to Claydon’s studio once Mr Grancy dies, he is shocked when he sees the last change in the portrait, which looks like the original one. Claydon says that he can change Mrs Grancy’s portrait the way he wants to as it is his property and has control over it. This is shown in the following quotation: “...‘How could I not? Doesn’t she belong to me know?’”. This shows the end of Mr Grancy and Claydon’s fight, leaving the artist as the winner.

To conclude, “The Moving Finger” by Edith Wharton is a story which develops love, obsession, and control through the way in which the characters relate to Mrs Grancy, as Mr Grancy and Claydon love her deeply, and, as they are obsessed with the woman, both of them want to have control over her and her portrait, which leads to two friends to deteriorate a relationship of many years and fight explicitly for her. In my opinion, neither of them could let her go. However, it can be interpreted that Mr Grancy needs a woman in his life, as after his first wife died, he marries the Mrs Grancy the reader knows more about. Even though his first wife was not good for him, he never got divorced. He depended on both of his wives.

As for Claydon, I believe he really loves Mrs Grancy and wants to have the painting for himself as it is his masterpiece and, as mentioned before, he turns his real woman into a picture. However, he also wants to control Ralph’s wife through the portrait, as Claydon changes the painting as it was the first time he painted it once Mr Grancy inherited it to the artist. Claydon controls the portrait the way Mr Grancy did before he died.

Edith Wharton (1862-1937)

viernes, 24 de mayo de 2019

Tropical cyclones

In Environmental Management, we studied tropical cyclones. With all the information we knew about this topic, we had to make a summary. This is my production.

This summary will deal with tropical cyclones and their characteristics.

To begin with, tropical cyclones are a climatic hazard. They are tropical storms which last between 24 and 48 hours. Depending on the zone they occur, they receive different names: if they occur in the North Atlantic Ocean, in the Caribbean Sea, in the Gulf of Mexico or in the central or eastern part of the North Pacific Ocean; they are called Hurricanes. They are called Typhoons if they occur in the western part of the North Pacific Ocean, specifically between 180° and 100° East longitude. If they occur in the North Indian Ocean or in the South Pacific, they are called Cyclones. In this summary, we will focus on hurricanes.
The word hurricane comes from the word “huricán”, who was the Carib Indian god of evil; and for the mayan people, it was creation.
To distinguish hurricanes, there is a list of names, created by the World Meteorological Organization, that gives tropical storms an alphabetical name once they are discovered. After 6 years, names can be repeated, except for the ones which were given to drastic storms, which are removed permanently from the list.
There are several conditions that need to be present so that a hurricane can happen. For example, they are common within the tropics in the end of summer and beginning of autumn. Also, there has to be low pressure, winds of 150 km/h and the temperature of the water should be at least of 27°C. The speed of the wind, determines the level of the hurricane. This can be measured in the Saffir-Simpson scale, which goes from 1 to 5. When hurricanes reach land, they lose energy.
Concerning the effects, there could be immediate effects, short term effects and long term effects. The immediate effects are the destruction of buildings, which can cause deaths; and the disruption of services. The short term effects could be floods because of the rising of sea levels or the breaking of pipes. The long term effects could be the destruction of crops, the death of animals, water related diseases, the rebuilding of the city, and the need of money for rebuilding, medicines. Also, there could be positive effects, like heat relief, drought relief and archeological benefits, as archeological objects could be found.
Hurricanes can be predicted by satellite images and by measuring the speed of the winds.
An example of an important hurricane is hurricane Maria, which happened from september, 16, 2017 to october 2, 2017 in Puerto Rico Dominica and the U.S Virgin Islands. It was a deadly hurricane category 5 which caused 3057 deaths

viernes, 12 de abril de 2019

"The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane

In Literature, we read "The Open Boat" by Stephen Crane. We had to analyse it and make an infography with the themes. I did it with Aylén.
