Nombres de etiquetas básicas

Lengua, Matemática, Francés, Naturales, Ciudadanía, Arte, TICX, History, EM, ELT, Writing, Literature, Drama, Geografía, Historia, 1ºsec, 2016, Biología, Físico-química, 2°sec, 2017, 2018, 3°sec

viernes, 25 de noviembre de 2016

¿Qué hicimos?

Escribimos un texto sobre lo que hicimos en nuestro proyecto. Yo lo hice con Azul y Aylén.

¿Cómo se cuida el medio ambiente?

Durante todo el año leímos y aprendimos sobre los derechos de los niños. Seleccionamos el derecho “Derecho de vivir en un ambiente sano”, ya que podíamos hacer un proyecto en el que transmitimos nuestro conocimiento a los niños para ayudar al ambiente.

Con todas las investigaciones que realizamos, decidimos realizar un proyecto en donde le podamos enseñar a los niños la importancia de reutilizar. Lo primero que hicimos fue investigar y reunir toda la información que pudimos sobre cómo podemos ayudar al medio ambiente y como ayuda a reducción de basura. Desde mi punto de vista, esto es en lo que más tardamos porque al principio no encontrábamos la información o nos aparecía algo que tenía que ver con el concepto, pero no lo que nosotros necesitábamos. Sin embargo, al final reunimos toda la información necesaria.

Después de buscar la información, buscamos juegos didácticos que podíamos hacer con materiales que mucha gente hubiera tirado a la basura. Encontramos baleros hechos con botellas, memotest hechos con las tapas de las botellas de leche y mucho más. Además, para que los niños entiendan mejor la importancia de reutilizar y que era divertido hacerlo, realizamos un cuento basado en “Caperucita Roja” que hablaba sobre la importancia de cuidar el medio ambiente y lo dramatizamos.

Fuimos a una guardería de niños que no tienen muchos recursos, porque los materiales para estos juguetes son fáciles de conseguir. Nos dividimos en stands, cada juego en una mesa. Trajimos unos juegos hechos, para enseñarles a jugar y otros por la mitad, para terminarlos ahí y que aprendan a hacerlos en sus casas. Al finalizar, nos juntamos en ronda y algunos contaron lo que hicieron.

En clase reflexionamos por qué es importante este tipo de intercambio con la comunidad y desde mi punto de vista, es importante porque hay que enseñarles a los niños, desde que son chicos, que deben cuidar el medio ambiente para vivir en un lugar mejor cuando crezcan.

domingo, 20 de noviembre de 2016

¿Gustavo qué?

Estuvimos estudiando con poesía y fuimos asignados un poeta de nuestra antología para investigar. Yo hice este trabajo con Luka y trabajamos con Gustavo A. Bécquer.

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Studying and working at the same time

We needed to make an essay about any topic we wanted. I selected "studying and working at the same time"

"Studying and working at the same time"

Most people work while they’re studying but, is it good?

To start with, you need to concentrate on both. If you have an exam and you had a hard day it’s difficult to concentrate. And it’s very difficult if you have a lot to study and a lot of work to do… Also, it’s hard to have free time.

On the other hand, you need to earn money. You can sell something so you can concentrate more on the things you need to study.

To sum up, it’s not very good to study while you’re in a difficult work. If you want to earn some money, you can do relaxing work and your head won’t be a mess…

Bilingual schools

We needed to make an essay about one of the topics that Julia suggested. I selected "bilingual schools"

"Bilingual schools"

Nowadays, parents prefer to send their kids to bilingual schools, but, are they good?

On the one hand, it’s better to speak another language because you can go to London, for example, and speak to people without any problems. Also, it’s better because if you go to private classes you have less hours per week and if you go to bilingual schools you can learn more quickly and learn more in less time. In my opinion, the best thing is that you can speak better. You have more than an hour per week and you can improve faster.

On the other hand, you have more subjects. You have to stay more hours at school but you learn more things at the same time. You have more subjects, so you have more homework. Sometimes homework accumulates and it’s hard to have free time, and it’s worse when you have an exam!

To sum up, it’s good to be in a bilingual school because you can learn a language more quickly. You can learns more things and have a good improvement, even though you have more homework!

All is fair in love and war

We needed to make an essay about one of the topics that Julia told us. I chose "all is fair in love and war"

“All is fair in love and war”

Is it necessary to make bad things to win a war or to do something wrong to impress a person?

To begin with, wars can be avoid. Some wars were started because of stupid reasons. Presidents and governors can discuss this instead of fighting. This would be better for the government, for the people because it wouldn’t affect them and for the rest of the world. Also, they can distance important people in our life; like parents, brothers, uncles, cousins, friends, etc. In my point of view, wars are useless and doesn’t repair anything, but I don’t have the power to stop them…

On the other hand, you don’t need to lie or fight with someone to impress the person you love. You can express what you feel even though he or she doesn’t feel the same. I advise you to love the people that loves you. Family and friends can be very important in life. They can be there when you need them. They can give you love, and that is important too. So, enjoy them all the time you can!

To sum up, love can be more important than wars. Spend time with your family and friends can be good. Wars can distance the people we love. So, enjoy the time you can spend with the people you love… And with your pets too!

Money isn't everithing

When we started with essays, we needed to create one about "money isn't everithing".

“Money isn’t everything”

You may think money is everything, but is it so? In my opinion, it isn’t.

One reason can be that feelings, family and friends can’t be bought, only material things. If you have a lot of money, people may accepting being your friends only because of it. Rich people may use their money to buy useless things, for example, the latest technology or the clothes that all the people wear nowadays; but poor people may give all they have for having something to eat, go to work or a good education for their children.

Another reason can be that people may have servants or butlers. They may be bought for making all the things they are ordered to do and rich people may do nothing. This is not good because, for example, doing some sport or activity is good for the health. Also, people may be alone. They may stay in their houses and do nothing all the day. It’s really good to be socializing.

To sum up, money isn’t all you need in life. You have a family, friends and many other awesome things. You can socialize, feel, hang out with friends, family and live your life as you want!

Now, what do you think about money?

jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2016

Dibujando sin parar...

En todo el año, estuvimos trabajando con tres proyectos diferentes. Todos tenían en común que leíamos una historia o mito para empezar a dibujar. Los proyectos se llaman "La bolita viajera", "Gato y Pez" y "Mitos griegos" y para presentarlos, tuvimos que hacer tres presentaciones distintas explicándolos.

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sábado, 12 de noviembre de 2016

Botella al mar

Luego de leer el poema de Mario Benedetti "Botella al mar", creamos 6 versos que pondríamos en nuestra botella.

Estos seis versos pongo en mi botella
Para decirle a todos
Que no se preocupen.
Que disfruten la vida
Como lo hicieron hace mucho tiempo atrás, 
Cuando era niños

Balanced argument

We needed to create a balanced argument with 1 of the 4 topics we had. I selected "Should children be allowed to watch whatever they want on television?"

"Should children be allowed to watch 
whatever they want on television?"

Some kids are allowed to watch whatever they want on TV, what do you think about it?

Firstly, children can learn things when they're watching television. They can learn numbers, colours, animals and things about them, etc. It can be a good way for very little kids to learn or when you're ill.

On the contrary, there are some things that there not appropiate for them, for example, they can learn offensive language. If they're not watching cartoons, it's better to watch it with an adult. Also, it isn't good to be all the time around technology. There another ways of entertainment, like books, games and going outside. It's good to socialize.

To sum up, children shouldn't watch whatever they want on TV. They can learn things that we don't want them to, and they may be all the day watching TV. Play or read are some of the million of things they can do in their free time. Why they should be inside in front of a technology device whan they can do amazing things?

lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2016

Paris Peace Conference

We were studing about the Paris Peace Conference and then we needed to choose 20 words and made a tagul with them.

domingo, 6 de noviembre de 2016

El mal estudiante

En Lengua, leímos un poema de Jacques Prévert llamado "El mal estudiante". Luego escribimos un poema diciendo cómo somos nosotros como estudiantes.

En clase

En todas las materias,
no soy la misma persona.
En algunas parezco una,
en el resto parezco otra.

En unas participo mucho,
porque sé la respuesta.
En otras parezco invisible,
 por miedo a errarle a ésta.

Toca el timbre,
me quiero escapar.
Quiero ser yo misma.
No puedo esperar...